'use strict';
// Node.js core modules
var url = require('url');
var util = require('util');
// Userland modules
var JiraApi = require('jira-client');
* @constructor
* @param {JiraApiWithXrayOptions} options
function JiraApiWithXray(options) {
if (!(this instanceof JiraApiWithXray)) {
return new JiraApiWithXray(options);
var opts = options || {};
// Invoke the super constructor, opts);
this.xrayVersion = opts.xrayVersion || '1.0';
util.inherits(JiraApiWithXray, JiraApi);
* @typedef JiraApiWithXrayOptions
* @type {object}
* @property {string} [protocol=http] - What protocol to use to connect to
* Jira? Ex: http|https
* @property {string} host - What host is this tool connecting to for the Jira
* instance? Ex:
* @property {string} [port] - What port is this tool connecting to Jira with? Only needed for
* none standard ports. Ex: 8080, 3000, etc
* @property {string} [username] - Specify a username for this tool to authenticate all
* requests with.
* @property {string} [password] - Specify a password for this tool to authenticate all
* requests with.
* @property {string} [apiVersion=2] - What version of the Jira REST API is the instance the
* tool is connecting to?
* @property {string} [base] - What other url parts exist, if any, before the rest/api/
* section?
* @property {string} [intermediatePath] - If specified, overwrites the default rest/api/version
* section of the uri
* @property {boolean} [strictSSL=true] - Does this tool require each request to be
* authenticated? Defaults to true.
* @property {function} [request] - What method does this tool use to make its requests?
* Defaults to request from request-promise
* @property {number} [timeout] - Integer containing the number of milliseconds to wait for a
* server to send response headers (and start the response body) before aborting the request. Note
* that if the underlying TCP connection cannot be established, the OS-wide TCP connection timeout
* will overrule the timeout option ([the default in Linux can be anywhere from 20-120 *
* seconds](
* @property {string} [webhookVersion=1.0] - What webhook version does this api wrapper need to
* hit?
* @property {string} [greenhopperVersion=1.0] - What webhook version does this api wrapper need
* to hit?
* @property {OAuth} [oauth] - Specify an OAuth object for this tool to authenticate all requests
* using OAuth.
* @property {string} [bearer] - Specify a OAuth bearer token to authenticate all requests with.
* @property {string} [xrayVersion=1.0] - What version of the "Xray for Jira" REST API is the
* instance the tool is connecting to?
* @typedef OAuth
* @type {object}
* @property {string} consumer_key - The consumer entered in Jira Preferences.
* @property {string} consumer_secret - The private RSA file.
* @property {string} access_token - The generated access token.
* @property {string} access_token_secret - The generated access toke secret.
* @property {string} signature_method [signature_method=RSA-SHA1] - OAuth signurate methode
* Possible values RSA-SHA1, HMAC-SHA1, PLAINTEXT. Jira Cloud supports only RSA-SHA1.
* Creates a URI object for a given pathName within the "Xray for Jira" REST API
* @param {makeXrayUriOptions} [options] - An options object specifying uri information
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.makeXrayUri = function(options) {
var opts = options || {};
var intermediateToUse = this.intermediatePath || opts.intermediatePath;
var tempPath = intermediateToUse || '/rest/raven/' + this.xrayVersion;
var uri = url.format({
protocol: this.protocol,
port: this.port,
pathname: this.base + tempPath + opts.pathname,
return decodeURIComponent(uri);
* @typedef makeXrayUriOptions
* @type {object}
* @property {string} pathname - The url after the /rest/raven/version
* @property {string} intermediatePath - If specified will overwrite the /rest/raven/version section
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using the Xray JSON format.
* @see
* @param {TestExecXrayJson} testExecResults - The results of the Test Execution in the Xray JSON format
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importExecResultsFromXray = function(testExecResults) {
return this.doRequest(
method: 'POST',
pathname: '/import/execution',
body: testExecResults
/*jshint ignore:start */
* @typedef TestExecXrayJson
* @type {object}
* @see
* @property {string} [testExecutionKey] - The Jira issue key for an existing Test Execution that should be updated. If omitted, a new Test Execution is created automatically.
* @property {TestExecXrayJsonInfo} [info] - Test Execution metadata
* @property {TestExecXrayJsonTestRun[]} tests - The results of the Test Run
/*jshint ignore:end */
* @typedef TestExecXrayJsonInfo
* @type {object}
* @property {string} [project] - The Jira project ID
* @property {string} summary - Summary of the Test Execution
* @property {string} [description] - Description of the Test Execution
* @property {string} [user] - The Jira user logging the Test Execution results
* @property {string} [version] - Version under test
* @property {string} [revision] - The revision/build/branch under test
* @property {string} [startDate] - The ISO date timestamp at which the Test Execution started
* @property {string} [finishDate] - The ISO date timestamp at which the Test Execution finished
* @property {string} [testPlanKey] - The Jira issue key for the associated Test Plan
* @property {string[]} [testEnvironments] - The environmental configuration under test
* @typedef TestExecXrayJsonTestRun
* @type {object}
* @property {string} testKey - The Jira issue key for the associated Test
* @property {string} status - The "PASS" or "FAIL" status for the Test Run as a whole
* @property {string} [comment] - A message about this Test Run
* @property {string} [start] - The ISO date timestamp at which this Test Run started
* @property {string} [finish] - The ISO date timestamp at which this Test Run finished
* @property {string} [executedBy] - The Jira user who executed this Test Run
* @property {TestExecXrayJsonEvidence[]} [evidences] - Attachments (e.g. screenshots) proving the Test Run's failure
* @property {TestExecXrayJsonResult[]} [results] - Detailed results of individual test cases within this Test Run
* @property {string[]} [examples] - The "PASS" or "FAIL" status for each of the Test Run's examples
* @property {TestExecXrayJsonTestStep[]} [steps] - Details about each Test step and its outcome
* @property {string[]} [defects] - The Jira issue keys for any associated bugs recorded during this Test Run
* @typedef TestExecXrayJsonEvidence
* @type {object}
* @property {string} data - The base64-encoded string of data representing this attachment
* @property {string} filename - The basename of the file associated with this attachment
* @property {string} [contentType] - The MIME type associated with this attachment, e.g. "image/jpeg"
* @typedef TestExecXrayJsonResult
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - The name of the test case
* @property {string} status - The "PASS" or "FAIL" status of this test case
* @property {number} [duration] - The duration (milliseconds? seconds?)
* @property {string} [log] - Any log messages that came out of this test case
* @property {string[]} [examples] - The "PASS" or "FAIL" status for each of this test case's examples
* @typedef TestExecXrayJsonTestStep
* @type {object}
* @property {string} status - The "PASS" or "FAIL" status of this step
* @property {string} [comment] - A message about this step
* @property {TestExecXrayJsonEvidence[]} [evidences] - Attachments (e.g. screenshots) proving this step's failure
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using one of the supported JSON formats.
* @access private
* @param {string} type - The type of JSON result to be imported. Must be one of: "cucumber" or "behave".
* @param {TestExecCucumberJson|TestExecBehaveJson} results - The results of the Test Execution
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira
JiraApiWithXray.prototype._importExecResultsFromJson = function(type, results, issueData) {
var hasIssueData = !!issueData;
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
pathname: '/import/execution/' + type + (hasIssueData ? '/multipart' : '')
if (hasIssueData) {
requestOptions.formData = {
result: results,
info: issueData
else {
requestOptions.body = results;
return this.doRequest(
* @external {JiraCloudIssueCreationJson}
/*jshint ignore:start */
* @external {JiraServerIssueCreationJson}
/*jshint ignore:end */
* @typedef JiraIssueCreationJson
* @type {JiraCloudIssueCreationJson|JiraServerIssueCreationJson}
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using the Cucumber JSON format.
* @see
* @see
* @param {TestExecCucumberJson} testExecResults - The results of the Test Execution in the Cucumber JSON format
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importExecResultsFromCucumber = function(testExecResults, issueData) {
return this._importExecResultsFromJson('cucumber', testExecResults, issueData);
/*jshint ignore:start */
* @external {TestExecCucumberJson}
/*jshint ignore:end */
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using the Behave JSON format.
* @see
* @see
* @param {TestExecBehaveJson} testExecResults - The results of the Test Execution in the Behave JSON format
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importExecResultsFromBehave = function(testExecResults, issueData) {
return this._importExecResultsFromJson('behave', testExecResults, issueData);
* @external {TestExecBehaveJson}
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using one of the supported XML formats.
* @access private
* @param {string} type - The type of XML result to be imported. Must be one of: "junit", "testng", "nunit", or "robot".
* @param {TestExecJUnitXml|TestExecTestNGXml|TestExecNUnitXml|TestExecRobotXml|string|Buffer|ReadableStream} results -
* The results of the Test Execution in an XML formatted string
* @param {XrayImportQueryParams} [query] - Field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
JiraApiWithXray.prototype._importExecResultsFromXml = function(type, results, query, issueData) {
var hasQuery = !!query;
var hasIssueData = !hasQuery && !!issueData;
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
pathname: '/import/execution/' + type + (hasIssueData ? '/multipart' : ''),
formData: {
file: results
if (hasQuery) {
var queryOptions = Object.assign({}, query);
var testEnvs = queryOptions.testEnvironments || [];
if (typeof testEnvs === 'string') {
testEnvs = testEnvs.split(/\s*;\s*/);
if (Array.isArray(testEnvs)) {
testEnvs = testEnvs.filter(function(te) { return !!te.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); });
if (testEnvs.length) {
queryOptions.testEnvironments = testEnvs.join(';');
requestOptions.query = queryOptions;
else if (hasIssueData) { = issueData;
else {
throw new TypeError('Must provide either the "query" or "issueData" parameter');
return this.doRequest(
* @typedef XrayImportQueryParams
* @type object
* @property {string} [testExecKey] - The Jira issue key for an existing Test Execution that should be updated. If
* omitted, a new Test Execution is created automatically in the Jira project indicated by `projectKey`. Either
* `testExecKey` or `projectKey` must be provided.
* @property {string} [projectKey] - The Jira project key where the new Test Execution issue should be created. Not
* needed if `testExecKey` is provided. Either `testExecKey` or `projectKey` must be provided.
* @property {string} [testPlanKey] - The Jira issue key for the associated Test Plan
* @property {string|string[]} [testEnvironments] - The list of test environments. If provided as a string, items must
* be delimited by a ";".
* @property {string} [revision] - Source code and documentation version used in the Test Execution
* @property {string} [fixVersion] - The Jira "Fix Version" to be associated with the Test Execution
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using the JUnit XML format.
* @see
* @see
* @param {TestExecJUnitXml|string|Buffer|ReadableStream} testExecResults - The results of the Test Execution in the
* JUnit XML formatted string
* @param {XrayImportQueryParams} [query] - Field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importExecResultsFromJUnit = function(testExecResults, query, issueData) {
return this._importExecResultsFromXml('junit', testExecResults, query, issueData);
/*jshint ignore:start */
* @external {TestExecJUnitXml}
/*jshint ignore:end */
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using the TestNG XML format.
* @see
* @see
* @param {TestExecTestNGXml|string|Buffer|ReadableStream} testExecResults - The results of the Test Execution in the
* TestNG XML formatted string
* @param {XrayImportQueryParams} [query] - Field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importExecResultsFromTestNG = function(testExecResults, query, issueData) {
return this._importExecResultsFromXml('testng', testExecResults, query, issueData);
/*jshint ignore:start */
* @external {TestExecTestNGXml}
/*jshint ignore:end */
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using the NUnit XML format.
* @see
* @see
* @param {TestExecNUnitXml|string|Buffer|ReadableStream} testExecResults - The results of the Test Execution in the NUnit XML formatted string
* @param {XrayImportQueryParams} [query] - Field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importExecResultsFromNUnit = function(testExecResults, query, issueData) {
return this._importExecResultsFromXml('nunit', testExecResults, query, issueData);
/*jshint ignore:start */
* @external {TestExecNUnit30Xml}
/*jshint ignore:end */
/*jshint ignore:start */
* @external {TestExecNUnit26Xml}
/*jshint ignore:end */
* @typedef TestExecNUnitXml
* @type {TestExecNUnit30Xml|TestExecNUnit26Xml}
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using the Robot Framework XML format.
* @see
* @see
* @param {TestExecRobotXml|string|Buffer|ReadableStream} testExecResults - The results of the Test Execution in the
* Robot Framework XML formatted string
* @param {XrayImportQueryParams} [query] - Field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
* @param {JiraIssueCreationJson} [issueData] - Customized field data for creating a new Test Execution issue in Jira.
* Either `query` or `issueData` must be provided but not both.
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importExecResultsFromRobot = function(testExecResults, query, issueData) {
return this._importExecResultsFromXml('robot', testExecResults, query, issueData);
* @external {TestExecRobotXml}
/*jshint ignore:start */
* Import multiple Test Execution results into "Xray for Jira" using a bundled compressed file (e.g. ZIP).
* @see
* @param {string|Buffer|ReadableStream} testExecResults - The results of the multiple Test Executions
/*jshint ignore:end */
JiraApiWithXray.prototype.importMultipleExecResults = function(testExecResults) {
return this.doRequest(
method: 'POST',
pathname: '/import/execution/bundle',
formData: {
file: testExecResults
// Export
module.exports = JiraApiWithXray;