Open Sourcing
PhantomJS —
"Full web stack, no browser required." PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API.
ZeroClipboard —
ZeroClipboard is a JavaScript library that enables clipboard injection using an invisible Adobe Flash movie.
QUnit —
QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework.
Official jQuery Team Member, QUnit sub-team
- Plugin Creator
A QUnit plugin for assertion methods to compare two HTML strings for equality after a rigorous normalization process.
A QUnit plugin for asserting that a number is approximately equal (or not) to an expected number, within a given tolerance.
A QUnit plugin for asserting the proper sequence in which the code should execute.
A QUnit plugin for asserting individual pixel values within a Canvas element.
A QUnit plugin to add the "pending" test status to QUnit, a la Mocha.
A QUnit plugin for reporting test results in the XUnit format. Great for integration with Jenkins CI servers.
→ A work in progress.
jQuery —
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. (Heard of it?
Node.js —
Node.js is server-side JavaScript execution environment with an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.
- Module Creator
Migration tool(s) for fetching issues from the Google Code Issue Tracker API and translating that data into a
GitHub Issue Tracker offline-importable format.
→ Also available on the
NPM Registry.
A Node.js client for the Google Code Project Hosting Issue Tracker API.
→ Also available on the
NPM Registry.
A Node.js module to download and "install" the latest open sourced Apache/Adobe Flex SDK.
→ Also available on the
NPM Registry.
A Node.js module to convert text files with DOS line breaks to UNIX line breaks, i.e. like using
→ Also available on the
NPM Registry.
And many more....
Grunt —
"The JavaScript Task Runner"
jsUri —
jsUri is a library for simple URI and query string manipulation in JavaScript.
jWalker —
jWalker is a well-tested cross-browser JavaScript implementation of the TreeWalker class defined in the W3C
specification for DOM Traversal (DOM Level 2).
And many more....